Internet Startups – Success and Optimism

Keep those spirits up!

Keep those spirits up!

When starting a website/business the key ingredient for success is optimism. I have been involved in many instances where people have just said “Let’s build it and see what happens”. There is a huge problem with this mentality:

Even if the business model is feasible, profitable and viral, all businesses require that gung-ho attitude and belief that it will be successful. Without out it, even the most profitable businesses will never get off the ground. It’s takes a good amount of positive energy to ignite any business. When you just test out a website or a business to see what happens they never take off. There has to be a communal optimism to get it going.

What happens is, when a group of people believe in an idea, they exert the extra effort, that 150% that really kick starts the business. All the communication to customers and the content on the site will end up reflecting the positive energy and what I like to call the “stoke” behind the business. That’s the magic that translates to the customers that makes them want to interface with you. Half-ass attempts don’t give people a trusting feeling to do business with you. The poor reception they receive from your mediocre effort will work against any energy and effort you initial spent on your business or website.

With that said, do your homework. Run the numbers first and see if what you are about to do is worth your time and energy. Ask yourself, “Is this going to be a hobby or a real business?” “How long can I keep my attention on something?” “How much time do I have available for this?” “How much sacrifice am I will to give to this project? “If all your research and answered questions point to a “thumbs up” on whether or not you should start your venture, then give it all you’ve got and Godspeed!

2 responses to “Internet Startups – Success and Optimism”

  1. misha says:

    hey…i really like ur blog…
    jst read the article on ‘guerrila mrktng’ too…
    jst fabulous!!

  2. Hey so as a small business owner since ive been 22(now im 33) I also think that people don’t think of utility towards other people. Rather then thinking lets put it up, they should be like how can i help other people.

2 Comments on Internet Startups – Success and Optimism