Search Engine & Internet Marketing Glossary

Below are a list of terms commonly used when discussing search engine optimization and internet marketing. We have attempted to boil each term down to an easy level of understanding. Click on the term below to learn more about them:

Blog Strategy

This simple recipe will get you on the road to producing valuable content that will generate business. You must read this!

Content Management System

The easy way to create and publish web content.

Editorial Calendar

The key starting point to creating a great blog.

Google Adwords

Google’s advertising network. This is what makes them such a profitable company.

H1 Heading Tag

This simple little HTML tag can give you that slight edge you need to outrank your competition. This article will explain what it is, what it does and how to optimize it.

Internal Linking

This article goes over how to link to different pages throughout your website in a way that will help you in the search engines. It’s really quite simple really. But knowing is half the battle.

Meta-Description Tag

This is the short paragraph you see under Google search results. We’ll show you why they are important and how you can write effective ones.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

The quickest way to get website traffic. But you’ve got “pay to play”. Learn about some of the best places that provide the best bang for the buck.

Source Code

The guts of any web page. Check out this article to learn how to easily look at it and why you want to know how to view it.

Title Tags

The most effective search engine marketing technique for ANY website is by optimizing your title tag. You must read this article!