Blog Cultivation

Hopefully you’ll come back to watch the video on our home page, but in the meantime we’ll explain what “blog cultivation” is all about…

Business Blogs Are A Highly Effective Return On Investment

At O.C. Search Consulting, we believe internet marketing is the most important marketing a business can conduct. Simply because it’s the only form of marketing that has a truly measurable return on investment.

Billboard, t.v. commercials, radio ads….are impossible to measure. It doesn’t mean they don’t have an effect, it’s just that you should spend money on marketing where you know you can calculate and accurate return on investment. It’s one of the areas of your business where you have very little uncertainty.

When you compare blogging to pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization, blogging generally has the highest return on investment. Give us a call and we’ll send you our sources and be more than happy to explain why blogging is the best marketing activity for your business.

No One Gets Around To Blogging

The problem we discovered is: of the people who do realize that blogging is good for business, most of them never get around to it.

Blogging IS very time consuming, and most normal people suffer from writer’s block. And when considering all the pressing tasks you have on your plate – we understand why it never gets done. It’s ok, you’re human – and we’re here to help!

Our Blog Cultivation Service was designed to solve this exact problem.

Most Businesses Blog Wrong

For the businesses that do get around to blogging, 9 times out of 10 they are doing it wrong. Many business blogs create content that no one cares about and never inspires readership.

At O.C. Search we know how to pull the content out of your key team members, and create content that provides a lasting return on investment for years to come.

Other Services

Our Blog Cultivation service is our main focus, but we do offer a few more services which we recommend when we see fit.

  • Google Places – If your business is not in Google Places or you haven’t been optimized for Google Places, then call us. We are experts at making sure your business shows up in Google Maps and Places. This is the first optimization step any business should do.
  • Website and Search Engine Optimization – We are experts at getting websites to show up in the search engines. We’re also masters at site architecture, on-page SEO and how to conduct ethical link building.
  • Reputation Management – If you’re showing up in Google for something that you don’t want to be known for – we can help with that as well!