Google+ Is The Best Free Business Collaboration Tool Sean Work

How Can Google + Help Your Business?
There are more than fifty popular business collaboration suites available, most costing anywhere between $50 to $150 a month. Countless thousands of companies pay this amount gladly since it allows all of their far-flung staff to communicate in a categorized environment where projects can be implemented in real time.
Paying around $1,000 a year for this level of facility is not a consideration for major corporations, but to a small business operating in what seems to be a perpetually recessionary economy it can be a considerable expenditure.
How to Share a Google Analytics Account with Someone Else Sean Work
It’s pretty common to need to share your Google Analytics account with other members on your team or with your SEO consultant. Here is a step by step recipe on how to do just that:
Google XML Site Maps – Why You Must Sign Up For It. Sean Work

Help Google Find Your Treasure
Since Google is the most popular search engine at this present time, it’s imperative that Google can properly search your website. The only way to know whether or not Google is crawling your site completely is by submitting a Google XML site map through Google Webmaster Tools.
Free Website Statistics – Google Analytics Sean Work

Do You Know How Many People Visit Your Site?
Some of you have just created your first website or blog. And I bet you want to know how many people are visiting your site. Thanks to Google, you can easily add a simple snippet of code to track the number of visitors that come to your site and learn how they got there.
How To Add Your Business To Google Maps – The Right Way Sean Work
If you are running a business that has a physical address, adding your business to Google Maps (Places) is IMPERATIVE. However, there is more to Google Maps than just adding your listing.
1. Don’t Spam
I know a lot of business owners who want to try to add their listing to multiple addresses all over town. DON’T DO THIS. You are not going to trick Google. In the end, you’ll get your business from never showing up on the map again! Besides, why would you want to upset potential customers with sending them to the wrong location? That’s just bad for business.
It’s worth so much more to play by the rules. Having your listing show up is far more valuable then never having it show up. We’ll show you why right now:
2. Have O.C. Search Complete Your Google Places and Business Directory Submissions
Why? Because we have helped many local businesses gain a far more valuable return because we know how to do it correctly. There is quite a lengthy process to doing the Google Map submission that goes beyond Google Places. There is also an order by which one should add their business to the correct directories. We specialize in this process and it will pay for itself many times over.
If your business is already showing up at position “A” on Google Maps for the city your business is in, then that’s excellent. You should contact us to make sure you stay there. 🙂 We will also make sure you are getting to most out of your listing and improve the authenticity of your submission. Finally, we can drive even more traffic from your business listing submissions.
If your business is not on Google Maps, call us right now.
Here is a quick calculation of the ROI created by a top Google Map listing:
One of our customers now gets 15 new clients a month and 45% of those clients come from their Google Map listing. Therefore they get 6 new customers a month from Google Maps. This is provides an additional $25,000 of revenue a year for this particular local business.
Honestly, we hate sounding pitchy. If you read any of our other posts, we don’t try to get customers to call us. But we really believe that this service we provide for small local businesses is a “no brainer”. Give us a call and let’s get some business stirred up today. (714) 725-8101
You can get the process started right away by purchasing our Business Listing Service through Paypal right now:
This post has been updated. This is what we wrote last year:
This is a very important and often overlooked SEO technique for small businesses. It didn’t really occur to me how important this submission was until my friend who is a dentist asked me how he could get his practice to show up on Google Maps. After doing a little searching I found the submission link for this service:
How To Add Your Website To Google Sean Work

The First Step To Getting Exposed
This is step one to getting your site noticed. Google is the most popular search engine on the internet (as of 2009) and this is best place to start your online journey. From past experience we have noticed that you will get about 80% of your search traffic from Google, 15% from Yahoo and about 5% from MSN (Microsoft).