10 Title Tag Tips That You Should Never Forget Sean Work
Search engines still provide the best way for people to find what they’re looking for. When building your website, there are tactics to attracting a searcher. It’s not always just about the content, but more about how to get people interested in viewing your content.
5 Interesting QR Codes That Are Changing Advertising Sean Work
Every now and again a technology is introduced that has the potential to change the face of an industry. We may not remember who invented the MP3 player, but everyone remembers when iPod got it right. QR (Quick Response) codes are facing a similar change, and are on the brink of a major explosion in usage.
How to Write Effective White Papers and Use Them to Promote Your Business Sean Work
A white paper is a cross between a long educative magazine article and a short persuasive brochure. The combination of education and persuasion makes it one of the most powerful marketing tools.
How Do I Get A Facebook URL For My Business Name? Sean Work
Getting your own Facebook URL is very easy. Also, having your own Facebook URL has several advantages:
- Branding
- Search engine coverage
- It’s easy to remember for you and your customers
Google+ Is The Best Free Business Collaboration Tool Sean Work

How Can Google + Help Your Business?
There are more than fifty popular business collaboration suites available, most costing anywhere between $50 to $150 a month. Countless thousands of companies pay this amount gladly since it allows all of their far-flung staff to communicate in a categorized environment where projects can be implemented in real time.
Paying around $1,000 a year for this level of facility is not a consideration for major corporations, but to a small business operating in what seems to be a perpetually recessionary economy it can be a considerable expenditure.
How to Share a Google Analytics Account with Someone Else Sean Work
It’s pretty common to need to share your Google Analytics account with other members on your team or with your SEO consultant. Here is a step by step recipe on how to do just that:
I’m over at KISSmetrics now Sean Work
Hi everybody! I’m still around but I’ve put my search engine consulting business on simmer to take a position at KISSmetrics.
Hey Bing – Your Local Listing Center is Broken. Sean Work

Bing Local Center Is Broken
I went to Bing today to fill out my local business listing info (which I recommend everyone to do). Unfortunately, I can’t fill out my listing because their CAPTCHA is broken. I have a feeling it’s been broken for quite some time.
Please Die Internet Explorer – Will someone make this a T-shirt? Sean Work

Please Die
I’ve been doing a lot of web design lately and Internet Explorer has been giving me more trouble like never before. I mean, I’ve been doing web design since 1999 and I’ve never liked that browser. But lately, IE will just not behave. And it never has, but I’m finding myself spending more time than ever trying to figure out why it’s making weird gaps and doing all kinds of strange things…
If You Don’t Want More Business, Then Throw This Card Away Sean Work

Is Your Business Card Working For You?
A couple months ago I started to run out of business cards. The last time I designed my business cards, I rushed through the process and they didn’t provide the greatest return. This time I wanted to really think about what the best way to market what I do would be: